Sedation Dentistry


Sedation Dentistry in Henderson, NV

Sedation dentistry at First Bite Pediatric Dentistry involves using a medical addition and behavior management to help operative dentistry become more tolerable. Parts of procedures can be difficult for patients (getting numb, tooth isolation like dental dams, mouth props, etc.), and sedation dentistry helps young or nervous grade school and adolescent patients get the care they need.

Types of Sedation

First Bite Pediatric Dentistry offers mild anxiolysis with nitrous oxide, more moderate sedation with oral sedation, and general anesthesia in our Henderson pediatric dental office and surgery center.


Inhaled Sedation

Nitrous oxide is excellent for patients with mild dental anxiety or light treatment plans.

Inhaled sedation can include nitrous oxide. It is a mild sedation, and patients are completely aware and awake during treatment with nitrous oxide. You can expect tingly in the fingers and body as it slowly sets in, and then a feeling of relaxation.


Oral Sedation

Oral sedation is best suited for very nervous or young patients with more extensive treatment plans or patients whose parents expect their child to react much more emotionally to any discomforts. Oral sedation is strongly recommended when nitrous oxide alone won’t be enough to help the patients tolerate treatment safely and calmly.

Oral sedation is given through a liquid medication that patients drink before treatment.


Depending on the medicine the doctor chooses, it takes 15 to 45 minutes to take effect. Patients will still be awake but much more “out of it.” Our office might use some combination of Hydroxyzine and Meperidine, which has a longer onset but smoother sedation for prolonged procedures, or use Midazolam, which has a shorter start but works for less time for quick procedures like extractions.

General Anesthesia

General anesthesia uses either IV or inhaled anesthesia to put the patient completely asleep so that the parent and doctor do not need to worry about the child getting overly anxious and uncooperative. An anesthesiologist monitors the child's breathing, heart rate, oxygenation, and vital signs before, during, and after dental treatment so that the doctor can complete the entire treatment plan.


With an exception in the most extreme cases, in one appointment, the child wakes up without remembering any of the procedures. It is typically very safe for healthy patients and involves getting a Health Physical from the child's pediatrician to ensure no medical problems are missed.

Before and After Sedation

Before any sedation appointments, patients must have an empty stomach eight hours before. The most considerable risk with sedation is nausea and vomiting from drinking the oral medications or from any airway or IV medications during general anesthesia, so we do not want to risk any choking hazards.

After sedation appointments, patients can eat light, cold, soft foods (think Jello, pudding, yogurt, and smoothies) to help ease the empty stomach.


Heavy/fatty foods are discouraged since they may upset an empty stomach. Additionally, if your child wants to sleep after the procedure at home, have them sleep in a supervised area (couch, sofa, or living room), so you can tend to your child if they get nauseous or sick after treatment.


We can’t wait to meet you!

If you have any questions, please contact us or call (702) 805-8185 today.
